About Us

NTHEN's Mission Statement

To honor Christ as we seek to encourage home education by edifying, equipping, and informing Homeschool leaders and the general public.

Who we are ... what we do

The North Texas Home Educators Network (NTHEN) was founded in 1988 after numerous meetings by representatives of several informal Homeschool groups sought unity and oneness of spirit to meet the many challenges presented by the "new" educational alternative to government education called "Homeschooling". 

Our mission in 1988, and our mission today, is to provide homeschool leaders and families with the tools and services necessary to enable their support group or their individual home schools to thrive. NTHEN, the largest of several regional homeschool support organizations in Texas, serves over 225 local homeschooling support groups in more than 60 counties throughout north and northeast Texas.

Our services often include sponsoring homeschooling conventions, consultations, meetings, training sessions, seminars, local and regional activities, and a variety of other forums. We also work to foster cooperation among local support groups and promote events that support the homeschool community at large. In addition, we proactively educate the media and general public about the diversity and viability of home education.

We assist in organizing new support groups and help existing support groups establish programs such as music, sports, science fairs, public speaking and debate competitions, spelling bees, co-op and enrichment classes, and teen groups. We also conduct special meetings, lead regional activities, co-host leadership seminars and retreats, provide consultations, and offer helpful online information. 

For example, we are aligned closely with Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), the nation's premier legal firm regarding home education. We co-sponsored, along with HSLDA, the presentation of the popular and "much needed to be heard by everyone" seminar entitled "Constitutional Literacy" which was presented in Dallas, Texas by Dr. Michael P. Farris, Chairman of HSLDA and Chancellor of Patrick Henry College.

NTHEN typically sponsors two annual Homeschool Conferences (typically a summer event and a winter event), which bring homeschool parents and students together to expand their knowledge of curriculum and other academic resources, network with other homeschool families, hear speakers discuss relevant issues and to visit with exhibitors offering a multitude of educational products and services. Each conference offers homeschool parents the opportunity to explore new material and learn about the latest learning techniques. 

Sponsoring Graduation and Commencement Exercises is another key service provided by NTHEN. Graduation is an important part of the overall homeschool experience and NTHEN's forum provides for your student and his or her family and friends to formally celebrate their graduation from High School with many other homeschool students who are also graduating, along with their families and friends. More information about our Graduation and Commencement Exercises can be found in the Graduation section of our website.

Donating to NTHEN

For information on how to financially support the ever-growing ministry of NTHEN, please visit our "Donate" page.  

For a copy of our Form W-9, click here:   NTHEN_W-9_Form